Focus on Manhattan, As Obama Threatens World War

The center of gravity of world affairs is in Manhattan this week and next, as world leaders arrive for the United Nations General Assembly, and President Obama intends to use the occasion to push for war. On Monday, Sept. 28, Obama, Russian President Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Hollande, and Iranian President Rouhani will all be addressing the UN General Assembly. Unlike most recent UNGA sessions, this year’s events will be historic, as issues of war and peace will be on the table.

Russian President Putin has presented Obama with a fait accompli, with the intense Russian military deployments to Syria. The Russian deployment has preempted Obama’s plans to ally with Turkey and Saudi Arabia in establishing a no-fly zone for jihadists in northern Syria, aimed at the overthrow of the Assad government and the creation of a Salafist haven on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. That is now off the table, as the result of Putin’s bold and timely actions. In addition to the deployment of at least two squadrons of Russian MIG fighters to the Latakia area, Russian engineers have now arrived at the naval port of Tartous, to expand the facilities to accommodate larger Russian warships and supply ships. Putin has also ended Israel’s domination over Syrian air space, bluntly telling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Monday that Russia will not allow Israeli planes to freely attack Hezbollah convoys inside Syrian territory.

The Russian moves forced Obama to allow his Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to establish a military-to-military channel of contact with Russian counterparts. U.S. intelligence sources report that Russian surveillance drones are already operating over Syrian territory where the U.S. has also been active. Some limited degree of “deconfliction” contact has already been established at the ground level, and some sane U.S. military circles are pushing for Russian-American intelligence sharing and eventual coordinated operations against the Islamic State and other jihadists.

Obama, however, will never accept such a sane policy. He is hell-bent on confrontation with Russia, and it can be expected that he will take some kind of irrational action in New York City (a Russian proposal for a face-to-face Obama-Putin summit has not yet been answered by the White House) to escalate the confrontation, rather than embrace the Russian offers of genuine counter-terrorist cooperation.

Lyndon LaRouche emphasized this week that the greatest danger in the present situation is that leading officials in Washington, including leading members of the U.S. Senate, have blocked out the reality of Obama’s narcissism and hatred for Putin. They fail to see the imminent danger of an insane Obama provocation against Russia, even though the signs are all there.

Obama has approved the deployment of a new generation of nuclear weapons to Europe. The B61-12 is nominally a tactical nuclear weapon, but the upgrades give it greater accuracy, and they can be launched from stealth bombers that can reach Russian borders. Germany’s national TV network has aired a documentary, showing that the Obama policy blurs the lines between conventional and nuclear warfare and greatly increase the danger of a war of annihilation with Russia. Germany is scheduled to receive 20 of the new B61-12 nuclear weapons, and later this year, German Luftwaffe combat planes will begin to be refitted to deploy those nuclear warheads—under U.S. orders.

General David Petraeus, now a military adviser to Obama, appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee early this week, to promote the idea of the U.S. launching a bombing campaign against the Syrian Air Force. He has recently called for an open U.S. alliance with the Nusra Front, the official Al Qaeda franchise in Syria.

In anticipation of his White House summit meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Obama dispatched his Commerce Secretary, Penny Pritzker, to Seattle, to bully American business leaders, meeting with the Chinese President, into attacking China for unfair business practices. Pritzker has been sitting in on the private talks between Xi and the American businessmen—to make sure that the Americans toe the Obama hardline.

This kind of madness on the part of President Obama is nothing new. As early as April 11, 2009, LaRouche had warned an international webcast audience about Obama’s severe narcissism, and several months later, called for the invoking of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office before he blew up the world. Six years later, the accuracy of those warnings cannot be disputed.

What is different now, however, is that the world is on the brink of a general war and a total disintegration of the trans-Atlantic financial system. Either of these events could occur at any moment, and the only sane course of prevention is to remove Obama from office.

The New York City events over the next week pose a challenge to American and world leaders alike. So long as Obama remains in office, the danger to mankind remains.

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