Fox News Reaches New Heights of Panic That 7th Graders Are Being Converted to Islam


‘On “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, concerned parent Brandee Portfield spoke to co-host Steve Doocy about an assignment her seventh-grade daughter had to complete in a world history class that required her to write the words “Allah is the only God” and “Muhammad is his prophet,” which to her “seems like it’s indoctrination.”

Why it seemed like that to Porterfield is more than a little perplexing, given that early in the interview, she provided the context for her daughter having to write those words. “They did this assignment where they wrote out the Five Pillars of Islam,” she said, “including having the children learn and write the Shahada, which is the Islamic conversion creed.”’

Read more: Fox News Reaches New Heights of Panic That 7th Graders Are Being Converted to Islam

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