George Soros Demands EU Accept One Million Refugees (Costing €15 Billion) Per Year For Foreseeable Future

Untitled (1)‘George Soros want Europe to do a lot more for the refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants mass-exodus-ing from The Middle East. As he writes in a Project Syndicate op-ed, The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s growing influx of refugees from a manageable problem into yet another political crisis.

Each member state has selfishly focused on its own interests, often acting against the interests of others. This precipitated panic among asylum seekers, the general public, and the authorities responsible for law and order. Asylum seekers have been the main victims.

The EU needs a comprehensive plan to respond to the crisis, one that reasserts effective governance over the flows of asylum-seekers so that they take place in a safe, orderly way, and at a pace that reflects Europe’s capacity to absorb them. To be comprehensive, the plan has to extend beyond the borders of Europe. It is less disruptive and much less expensive to maintain potential asylum-seekers in or close to their present location.’

Read more: George Soros Demands EU Accept One Million Refugees (Costing €15 Billion) Per Year For Foreseeable Future

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