Get Ready for Quantitative Tightening

There is a growing sense across the financial spectrum that the world is about to turn some type of economic page. Unfortunately no one in the mainstream is too sure what the last chapter was about, and fewer still have any clue as to what the next chapter will bring. There is some agreement however, that the age of ever easing monetary policy in the U.S. will be ending at the same time that the Chinese economy (that had powered the commodity and emerging market booms) will be finally running out of gas. While I believe this theory gets both scenarios wrong (the Fed will not be tightening and China will not be falling off the economic map), there is a growing concern that the new chapter will introduce a new character into the economic drama. As introduced by researchers at Deutsche Bank, meet “Quantitative Tightening,” the pesky, problematic, and much less disciplined kid brother of “Quantitative Easing.”  Now that QE is ready to move out…QT is prepared to take over.

For much of the past generation foreign central banks, led by China, have accumulated vast quantities of foreign reserves. In August of last without rolling them over. The intention is to shrink the Fed’s $4.5 trillion dollar balance sheet back to its pre-crisis level of about $1 trillion. That means, in addition to finding buyers for all those Treasurys being dumped on the market by foreign central banks, the Treasury may also have to find buyers for $3.5 trillion in Treasurys that the Fed intends on not rolling over. The Fed has stated that it hopes to effectuate the drawdown by the end of the decade, which translates into about $700 billion in bonds per year. That’s just under $60 billion per month (or slightly smaller than the $85 billion per month that the Fed had been buying through QE). Given the enormity of central bank selling, and the incredibly low yields offered on U.S. Treasurys, I cannot imagine any private investor willing to step in front of that freight train.

So even as the Fed apparently is preparing to raise rates on the short end of the curve, forces beyond its control will be pushing rates up on the long end of the curve. This will seriously undermine the health of the U.S. economy even while many signs already point to near recession level weakness. Just this week, data was released that showed U.S. factory orders decreasing 14.7% year-over-year, which is the ninth month in a row that orders have declined year-over-year. Historically, this type of result has only occurred either during a recession, or in the lead up to a recession.

The August jobs report issued today, which was supposed to be the most important such report in years, as it would be the final indication as to whether the Fed would finally move in September, provided no relief for the Fed’s quandaries. While the headline rate fell to a near generational low of 5.1%, the actual hiring figures came in at just 173,000 jobs, which was well below even the low end of the consensus forecast. Private sector hiring led the weakness, manufacturing jobs declined, and the labor participation rate remained at the lowest level since 1976. So even while the Fed is indicating that it is still on track for a rate hike, all the conditions that Janet Yellen wanted to see confirmed before an increase are not materializing. This is a recipe for more uncertainty, even while certainty increases overseas that U.S. Treasurys are troubled long term investments.

The arrival of Quantitative Tightening will provide years’ worth of monetary headwinds. Of course the only tool that the Fed will be able to use to combat international QT will be a fresh dose of domestic QE. That means the Fed will not only have to shelve its plan to allow its balance sheet to run down (a plan I never thought remotely feasible from the moment it was announced), but to launch QE4, and watch its balance sheet swell towards $10 trillion. Of course, these monetary crosscurrents should finally be enough to capsize the U.S. dollar.

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