Getting Old?

1. The Sitting-Rising Test

What are you testing? This simple test, originally published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention, is an uncannily accurate predictor of mortality risk. Participants of the original study were found to die at similar ages to the other individuals with their scores – suggesting that the sitting-rising test is a solid determiner of all-cause mortality.

How do you do it? For this test, you will need someone to observe you completing the simple task of standing up from a position sitting cross-legged on the ground, and then sitting back down again. Begin in a sitting position, and try to stand up with the least amount of support that you believe necessary – do not worry about your speed.

Ask your observer to score your ability to rise out of five, and then subsequently sit back down again out of five. For each time you have to use support from your hand, knee or another part of your body, the observer should subtract a point. A total composite score out of ten will be assigned and this will determine which category or group you belong to.

How did you fare?

Poor = 0 – 3

Fair = 3.5 – 5.5

Good = 6 – 7.5

Excellent = 8 – 10

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