Guess Who’s Better at Figuring Out Song Lyrics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has its place but not for transcribing song lyrics that’s for sure. Hey, IBM Watson,  here’s a news flash for you. When it comes to transcribing, our human professionals, Colby and Scheane are much smarter than you! It’s true, It didn’t take a genius to see that our tried and true method to figuring out song lyrics is superior to your overstuffed data bank. We even used a version of the song with only music so the background tunes wouldn’t confuse you and our dynamic duo still won!

You’ve taken mondegreens (misunderstandings of song lyrics) to another level by creating brand new words that create brand new songs. Maybe you’ve missed your calling of becoming a professional rapper. But please don’t quit your day job. Let us give you four reasons why:

  1.  Scheane vs IBM Watson:  Taylor Swift’s I Knew You Were In Trouble:  Oh boy, Watson, you’re the one whose in big trouble. Not only were six words missing in your version, your four mistakes changed the entire meaning of the song from You got me alone (Taylor’s) to “You got me a loon” (Yours). A big black bird to call our own would be nice. Maybe Taylor can write a new song about that!
  1. Colby vs IBM Watson:  Van Halen’s Running With The Devil:  Your version of this rock classic sounds more like a country western song gone very wrong. Not only were there mistakes in every line, they made no sense. On the other hand, Colby was spot on and obviously knows the difference between classic rock and a classic fail. Sorry Watson.
  1.  Scheane Vs IBM Watson:  Elton John’s Tiny Dancer:  Let’s get right to the point. Your incredible data base is not so incredible when it misinterprets the brilliant lyrics “a blue jeaned baby, LA lady” and “a blue jean bear bear yeah.” This pitiful combo of words sounds more like a children’s book than a classic by Sir Elton John. Thankfully our Scheane was spot on. Way to go Scheane!
  1.  Colby Vs IBM Watson: Brad Paisley’s Ticks:  Sorry Watson, 12 errors is unacceptable. You took a favorite country love song and turned it into a confusing request for peace, we think, but we’re not quite sure. Country songs are always a little confusing but you’ve transformed a country hit into a “country disaster”. Colby, our translating stud had zero errors and translated Brad’s lyrics to a country “t”.  

Hey, IBM Watson! You’re smart enough to know that translating lyrics isn’t up your robot wheel house. Sorry, buddy, leave the transcription to the human professionals.


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