Harper’s Conservatives and Canada’s 2011 Voter Suppression Scandal. ‘Suppressing Our Knowledge of Voter Suppression’


‘That 2011 voter-suppression scandal, the “robocalls” fraud: it was all smoke and mirrors, right? So how could Harper’s Conservatives have organized a fraud that never happened?

Try consulting Paul Well’s book The Longer I’m Prime Minister: Stephen Harper and Canada, 2006-, published in 2013. The jury citation for an award this book won called it “impeccably researched” — and it contains not a whisper about the scandal.

And what do official sources say? On April 24, 2014 Yves Côté, Commissioner of Canada Elections, the bureaucrat who supposedly enforces the Canada Elections Act, published a Summary Investigation Report on Robocalls in which he indicated that the national voter-suppression scandal most of us remember must have been a collective hallucination.’

Read more: Harper’s Conservatives and Canada’s 2011 Voter Suppression Scandal. ‘Suppressing Our Knowledge of Voter Suppression’

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