Hillary’s Game of Thrones

The bad news has continued to cascade onto the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, and none of it has anything to do with Clinton’s opinions on issues. It all is about her fitness for office.

Since Labor Day, we have learned that the folks into whose hands Clinton reposed her computer server for safe keeping do not believe it has been wiped clean of all emails, as her lawyer told a federal judge it was. That means the 33,000 emails she thought she destroyed  probably still could be recovered. What will they reveal?

And we learned earlier this week that of the emails released thus far — those Clinton did not attempt to destroy — there is a five- month gap for which no emails were produced. For a government official who sent or received about 15,000 emails a year, five months of silence is not believable. Two of those months followed the assassination of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya in Benghazi. Where are her emails from that time period?Because Blumenthal lacked the government’s encryption on his email devices and server, he was hacked by foreign agents. Because he was hacked, Clinton was hacked. Because she was hacked, some of the nation’s military, diplomatic, and national security secrets in a dangerous world are now in dangerous hands.

A sailor faces 20 years in federal prison for taking a selfie in front of a radar screen and sending it to his girlfriend, and a courageous Marine who used his Gmail account in an emergency to warn his superiors of the near proximity of an assassin faces 20 years for failing to keep the email about the assassin in a secure venue. Then-CIA Director David Petraeus kept secrets in an unlocked desk drawer in his home, which was guarded 24/7, and he pleaded guilty to failure to safeguard secrets.

Clinton’s crimes are far worse, but is she any different legally? Can she get away with her crimes because of her last name? She seems to think so. Last week she apologized for making poor choices — not crimes, but poor choices. And she has given no coherent legal justification for all this.

While all this is going on, Vice President Biden is dreaming about his boss’s job because he and many Democrats have come to the realization that Hillary Clinton is utterly unworthy of their trust, and power in her hands might be used for unlawful purposes.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

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