Holy Socialist Central Planning

In his recent speech to the U.S. Congress Pope Francis declared that “the common good is the chief aim of all politics” and that “freedom requires love of the common good.”  Legislation is “always based on care for the public,” the pontiff pontificated.  Only a naïve child could believe such a thing.

The pope said these things in the context of imploring the Congress to adopt some kind of Soviet-style central planning of the economy in the name of “fighting global warming,” while simultaneously exploding American welfare state spending by extending welfare benefits to all welfare parasites from every Third World nation on the planet.  Thus, if “Catholic social teaching” stands for anything these days, it stands for international socialism and egalitarianism gone wild.

If American welfare spending explodes by extending benefits to millions of new Third World peasant immigrants, the Catholic Church stands to make a killing.  Catholic Charities receives more than half of all of its revenue from government grants.  As a recipient of these grants, it is forbidden from teaching Catholicism to the beneficiaries of its “charity.”  It is a welfare state conduit, which goes a long way toward explaining the pope’s wild enthusiasm for Third World immigrants.  It is the same agenda, in fact, of Ted Kennedy, the author of the 1965 federal immigration law that greatly reduced immigration quotas from Northern Europe while opening up the flood gates of Third World immigrants who Kennedy knew would be reliable Democratic voters/welfare parasites (See Peter Brimelow, Alien Nation).

If the Congress were to adopt the pope’s agenda of socialist central planning in the name of “saving the planet,” coupled with the internationalization of the American welfare state, it would be charting a course to become a Third World country.  At that point the socialist intellectuals –and perhaps even a future pope – would inevitably blame it all on “capitalism.”

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