How Long Will You Be Able to Get Gold Through Customs?

While gold has been an excellent store of value for thousands of years, in modern times it has attained another useful purpose. In an age where just about everything is tracked and cataloged by the authorities, gold isn’t just a good way to store your money outside of the banks. It’s one of the few ways you can keep your money in something that is anonymous and untraceable. That also makes gold one of the best tools for getting your money out of the country, should the need ever arise.

At least for now anyway. If you tried to leave the country with cash, you’d have to declare anything above $10,000, but you can get around that by carrying gold. However, that may not be the case in the future. Writer and investor Doug Casey has recently noticed that when he tries to cross national borders with precious metals on his person, it now catches the attention of customs agents in multiple countries where that was not the case before. Doug Casey a prolific traveler, so if anyone would be able to notice that something is amiss, it’s him. Here’s the disturbing trend that he’s been seeing over the past few weeks.

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