Hundreds of Thousands Rally for Secession

At least 1.4 million of Catalans have filled the streets of Barcelona, calling for secession from Spain, as the region prepares to go to the polls in what local politicians say will serve as a proxy vote for independence.

agreement. We’ll have a positive attitude,” he said.

The organizers said Friday’s rally is an attempt to show the will of the vast majority of the Catalan people and a last plea for a referendum on independence from Spain. The demonstration is “to be the last one with a vindicatory purpose,” said Carme Forcadell, former president of the ANC.

Historically Catalonia has been one of Spain’s better-off regions, accounting for one-fifth of the country’s economic output. The local population has been dissatisfied with their taxes being used by Madrid to support poorer areas of the country.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said that Catalonia’s secession would be illegal, while EU officials have warned Catalonia that it would have to leave the bloc if it seceded.

Reprinted from Russia Today.

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