I Am, I Modestly Admit

I am, I modestly admit, a modest man. A modest man who just happens to be a powerhouse economic genius, a towering, incandescent intellect whose every idle utterance is brilliant, unalloyed cosmic wisdom wrapped in pure gold.

To back up my seemingly boastful claim, I present a piece of my immortal advice (as just one of many pearls of profound wisdom found in the classic book, Economica Mogambo), “If you’re not buying gold and silver bullion in times like these, then you’re a moron! Moron!”

With impressive credentials like this, I am constantly puzzled as to why so few heads of state or benevolent overlords from outer space grovel and kneel before me, imploring me to set things economically aright.  If they did, INevertheless, it will be magnificent, expensive program of constructing gigantic flywheels weighing a billion tons each, and the humongous axle will be supported by three tiny, almost frictionless, needle bearings. The theory is that the enormous momentum of a billion tons of rotating mass will so overwhelm the little bit of friction of the bearings that the inertia/drag ratio will approach infinity!

Okay, it’s insane by virtue of Newtonian physics and the technology could not possibly exist, but it is pure Keynesian economics!  How could it fail to goose the economy to health, except to not spend more and more money, all the time more and more money, until inflation in the prices of food and energy, and the deflation of overpriced assets, destroy us?

In the meantime, though, I suggest that you invest in gold and silver. Perpetual motion? Keynesian economics? Gold and silver? Only the latter two have never failed, whereas the two former have never succeeded, mostly because they can’t.

You want facts? There they are.

And how elegantly simple it makes things!

Whee! This investing stuff is easy!

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