I’ll Have an Order of Taqiyya To Go

Well, Ben Carson stepped in it. He said, “Taqiyya is a component of Sharia that allows, and even encourages you to lie to achieve your goals.” This was in a criticism he had of Muslims. Hey Ben, this whole Taqiyya thing isn’t just Muslims. That’s all of you guys running for president. Plus, the entire United States government as a whole. Come on, Ben, really?! You just described a campaign promise! Oh, wait, is a lie somehow better if it comes from a guy with a nice tie?

How does Ben distinguish between those alleged liars and the liars he’d like to lead? Now, the whole Taqiyya thing is a distortion and none of the Abrahamic religions encourages lying. What Taqiyyia meant was that a Muslim could hide being a Muslim if his life was under threat for it. But in Washington, you can lie for any number of reasons. Cover up an affair, cover up bribes or embezzlement, cover up corruption, justify illegal wars, launder drug money and illicit arms sales, and so on. Gee, and Ben is worried about the Muslims?! Seems to me we better be more concerned with the liars leading this country! And the ones jockeying for position (i.e. lying) to be the next guy to do so!

For a politician to accuse others of lying to achieve their goals, well, that’d be like handing out speeding tickets at a stock car race. That is paraphrased from a famous movie that showed the end result of another government lie called the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. How about when the government gets caught lying, they never go to jail for it? Yes, and why is that? Because it is seen as the way one does business in the government! They needed to get elected, therefore, they told lies to get elected. They want thus-and-so law to get passed, so they lie to the American people about its content. Once its passed, THEN, we find out what was promised is not what they delivered. The only place you’ll find “honesty” in the United States government is if there’s a dictionary in an office there and you can look it up. That is, unless they redact it and remove that from the dictionaries they use so that no one gets any dangerous ideas. Yeah, people lying to achieve their goals. Imagine that.

Ok, but let’s suppose there really was such a thing as Taqiyya that encouraged Muslims to lie to achieve their goals. Can U.S. politicians then claim the moral high ground in some farcical gambit of statesmanship-via-showmanship? Not likely. Because Washington has never met a lie it will not tell to achieve its goals. Islamic radicals might launch a jihad and it’ll go on for a couple years and then fizzle out. But the United States? We’ve been on one jihad or another since 1917! Two World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Bosnia, Somalia, the Iraq War, Afghanistan, and now ISIS. Since 2001, we have been in a constant state of war, as opposed to it being an every-ten-years thing. We know the reasons given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq were lies. So…Taqiyya much, America?

You know what they say. People project their own failings and issues on to others. You know, the guy accusing everyone else of being a drunk is a closet alcoholic. Well, it appears to me Ben is projecting on to Muslims the actual truth about American politicians. Except they don’t call it Taqiyya. They call it “campaign promises”, “government policy”, “national security”, and “politics.” Look, Ben, the Islamic world is not over here raising taxes, wasting that money, and jailing thousands of people here over possession of a frickin’ plant. That’s YOU guys doing that. Hey Ben, no one is trying to pass Sharia law over here. That’s YOU GUYS doing that, but you call it something else. Just like all politicians lie their collective butts off, call it something else, and then accuse others of it.

So don’t Taqiyya us and tell us its raining, Ben. Clean up your own house, hypocrites.

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