In Washington Speeches, Pontiff Urges Humane Treatment of Refugees and Immigrants; Demands Abolition of Death Penalty; Calls on United States Not to Imitate “Hatred and Violence” of Tyrants by More Aggression; Cites Benedict XV on World War as “Pointless Slaughter”; Sees “Unjust Structures,” “New Global Forms of Slavery,” in Politics of Finance of Advanced Countries; Notes Need for Creation and Production Of Wealth with Social Solidarity; Praises Lincoln, Dr. King, Catholic Worker Activist Dorothy Day; Warns of Fundamentalism in Any Form; Defies Anti-Authoritarians With Praise of Moses; Appeals for Dialogue: Errors on Neo-Malthusianism And Pragmatism Outweighed by Positive Content

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Friday, September 25, 2015 Pontifical Remarks to Welcoming Ceremony, the White House, September 23, 2015

The Tax Wall Street Party is happy to offer critical support to Pope Francis in his apostolic visit to the United States. We append here his two […]

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