Jeremy Corbyn Joins Tax Wall Street Party! — Top Contender to Head British Labour Party Demands Bank of England Be Tasked with Generating £375 Billion ($570 Billion) in Public Credit for Public Investment in Housing, Energy, Transport, Digital, and Education; Corbyn’s “Quantitative Easing for People, Not for Banks” Closely Tracks “Use The Bank of England to Bail Out The Public” Plank of Stuart Hooper’s New Deal for Britain in South Basildon/East Thurrock in May’s UK Vote; Move for Productive Credit Stimulus Opens New Front in World War of 99% Working Families Against Privately Controlled Central Bank Oligarchy; Vote is September 12

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Sunday, September 6, 2015

A new front has opened in the international struggle to seize control of the private central banks and force them employ their inherent credit creating potential for purposes of infrastructure, education, and job creation to secure economic recovery […]

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