Jeremy Corbyn: Tough days ahead for Labour leader amid resignations, PMQs and resistance within the party


‘It is 128 days since Ed Miliband announced his resignation as Labour leader, but in case, after four months of gruelling campaigning, his successor Jeremy Corbyn feels he has earned a break, he is to be disappointed. True, he has pulled out of The Andrew Marr Show today, in what should have been one of his first major interviews as leader. But there are other events over the next few weeks that Mr Corbyn simply cannot avoid – as well as more politically dangerous elections and referendums in the months and years ahead.

Mr Corbyn has said that he would only ‘possibly’ serve as leader (and it may not be entirely his decision) until 2020. But if he is to remain at the helm of an ideologically disparate party, he will have to negotiate all of the below.’

Read more: Jeremy Corbyn: Tough days ahead for Labour leader amid resignations, PMQs and resistance within the party

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