Mail ridicules Corbyn ‘conspiracy theory’ that 9/11 attacks were ‘manipulated’ as its useless ‘journalism’ accepts ludicrous official story … Baa … baa …

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Once again we have an allegedly ‘serious’ newspaper dismissing any suggestion that the official story of 9/11 should be challenged when it was the work of the very same genetic liars who told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction to justify an invasion that has brought death, destruction and ongoing mayhem to the Middle East.

How these people – and they are the norm in the pathetic mainstream media – can call themselves ‘journalists’ without laughing is a wonder to behold. Unquestioning cap-touching gofers who are nothing more than the PR department of the official everything.

Read more: Mail ridicules Corbyn ‘conspiracy theory’ that 9/11 attacks were ‘manipulated’ as its useless ‘journalism’ accepts ludicrous official story … Baa … baa …

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