McDonald’s franchisees becoming more depressed as junk food empire dies amid America’s health awakening

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‘Wake up and smell your declining sales, McDonald’s. People are getting wise to the fact that your artery-clogging food isn’t healthy, and have been gravitating towards better options like fresh, organic foods and superfoods. This isn’t just about people choosing to shun a McBloodPressure on occasion either; there’s hard evidence that the junk food maker is falling flat on its face.

Unfortunately for the fast food chain, their sales have recently dropped to the lowest they’ve been in 12 years. This finding comes as a result of a survey conducted by Mark Kalinowski, a long-time restaurant industry analyst, in which franchisees were asked to provide their six-month forecast. With “1” being “poor” and “5” being “excellent,” the average response was a disappointing 1.69. The survey also included feedback stating that “Corporate has no answers. They are throwing ideas at the wall hoping something will stick. Their collective arrogance has come home to roost.”‘

Read more: McDonald’s franchisees becoming more depressed as junk food empire dies amid America’s health awakening

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