Monsanto Has Been Lying About Safety of Cry Proteins in Genetically Modified Bt Crops

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‘In a recent interview on Food Sleuth Radio, Dr. Hansen exposes Monsanto’s latest contrivance – that Bt toxic corn is ‘safe’ to eat. Dr. Hansen provides ‘clean’ science through Consumer Reports that has no private backing, and certainly none by the GM industry.

Hansen states that biotechnology allows you to move genetic traits from any possible source – viruses, bacteria, animals, humans, etc. and put them into plants. This is what allowed scientists to make Bt corn and other Bt crops, and then patent them.

Bt crops are created by inserting a gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringienesis into a plant, thereby creating a pesticide that lives within the plant from roots to stems. The plant itself, in fact, becomes a pesticide, and when insect pests eat them, their guts are altered, and the insect dies.’

Read more: Monsanto Has Been Lying About Safety of Cry Proteins in Genetically Modified Bt Crops

The post Monsanto Has Been Lying About Safety of Cry Proteins in Genetically Modified Bt Crops appeared first on David Icke.

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