Nailing the Daily Telegraph’s Russophobia

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‘Every now and again I buy an actual paper copy of your newspaper, The Telegraph, usually for the Sudoku. But buried deep inside yesterday’s print edition (on page 14), I found this Orwellian headline: “Russia raises tension as US upgrades nuclear arsenal in Europe”.

Bizarrely unworthy of front page news, although you’d think it might be… after all, your readers would want to know when the Americans pile more weapons into Europe, since those of us living here will be the ones on the receiving end of retaliatory strikes.

And then there’s that nagging cognitive dissonance again between your headline and your content: although it’s the US that’s increasing its nuclear arsenal in Germany, it’s Russia that’s raising the tensions… odd, to say the least. How is Russia raising the tension, a reader might plausibly ask? Ah… Russia’s thinking of counter-measures to restore the strategic balance on its own borders.’

Read more: Nailing the Daily Telegraph’s Russophobia

The post Nailing the Daily Telegraph’s Russophobia appeared first on David Icke.

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