National ‘Health’ Service: Free from pain – if you have the money

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A 40-year-old woman in extreme pain from a rare disease has had to start a crowd-funding campaign to pay for treatment after the National ‘Health’ Service gave her a date for an operation of next July.

We helped her pay privately for a painkilling injection (where was the NHS?) to get her through to a date she was given for the operation about now, but this has been put back till next Summer. How on earth can it call itself a ‘health’ service when this is the case? How many more are going through the same thing?

She says: ‘I have been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. I need surgery to correct deformities, have very restricted mobility and use crutches and a stick. I can’t walk very far and have spent over a year on many painkillers and medications but I am still in a massive amount of pain.’

Click here for details of the fundraising effort …

The post National ‘Health’ Service: Free from pain – if you have the money appeared first on David Icke.

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