New Russian ‘drone’ sub designed to deliver nuclear weapons to destroy American harbours and coastal cities


‘The Pentagon says that Russia is building an unmanned “drone” submarine that will be capable of delivering large-scale nuclear weapons against U.S. harbors and coastal cities, The Washington Free Beacon (WFB) reports.

According to officials, the developmental unmanned underwater vehicle, or UUV, when it is deployed, will be outfitted with megaton-class nuclear warheads that can destroy key ports used by U.S. nuclear-armed and powered submarines like Kings Bay, Georgia, and Puget Sound in Washington state.

The WFB noted that details surrounding the secret Russian drone sub are closely held within the U.S. government and intelligence community. The Pentagon has code-named the drone sub “Kanyon,” indicating that the sub is a structured arms program.’

Read more: New Russian ‘drone’ sub designed to deliver nuclear weapons to destroy American harbours and coastal cities

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