Obama Moving Towards US-Russian Military Coordination for Anti-ISIS Operations in Syria; Kerry Positive on Latest Lavrov Offer; White House “Would Welcome Constructive Russian Support”; Humanitarian Bomber Samantha Power and ISIS Czar John Allen Among Those Who Should Be Fired in Shift of Policy on Assad; Fiasco of Current US Line Shown by Wipeout of First Echelon of US-backed Moderate Terrorists, with Only 4 to 5 Left; CIA Old Boys Boost Ex-Agency Adviser Carly Fiorina

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Friday, September 18, 2015

Amidst the hysteria of dyed in the wool warmongers, the Obama White House is approaching a rapprochement with Russia regarding the Syrian Civil War crisis. According to an article published by Fox News on Sept. 17,

“…the Obama administration […]

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