Obama—Outflanked, Upstaged, Sidelined, But… Still in Office

In the new leadership dynamic shown at the UN General Assembly, led by President Putin, President Xi, and other BRICS nations and collaborators, President Obama and his controllers have been dramatically outflanked and upstaged. The danger is, Obama remains in office. This defines the continuing task of Americans, as reiterated for all to see at a lively rally on Monday at the UN Plaza, held by Manhattan Project activists, with the clear message on banners such as this one: “Obama: Help World Peace: Resign Today!”

A photo of this placard, and another one, “Putin Stops Obama’s Holocaust; Throw Obama Out,” were sent around the world by the Sputnik news service over the last 48 hours. Sputnik- America covered former Senator Mike Gravel yesterday, under the headline, “Obama Should Join Putin in Unified Effort in Syria—Former U.S. Senator.”

Regarding Syria, the one immediate and concrete outcome of Monday evening’s 90-minute meeting between Putin and Obama, was the confirmation that U.S. and Russian military would be in communication for purposes of “deconfliction” of their military operations. This is ironic, since that very process was initiated Sept. 18 in a phone call between Russian Defense Minister Shoigu with U.S. Defense Secretary Carter, but shortly thereafter, officially denied by the Obama Administration. This is typical, and dangerous. Kerry and Lavrov will also meet on Wednesday to further explore Russian diplomatic initiatives. According to one American source, Putin dominated the discussion with Obama with concrete proposals for a genuine UN-mandated war to wipe out the Islamic State, and came away with the sense that, for the first time, Obama had been forced to listen.

But, as Lyndon LaRouche reiterated on Tuesday, there is no safety until Obama is removed from office altogether.

After the Putin-Obama meeting, Putin immediately conducted a lengthy, open dialogue with Russian journalists (available in full on the Kremlin website). But Obama left the meeting, saying nothing.

Putin reiterated to the reporters his formulations given early that day, to the General Assembly: the U.S., French and Australian bombings in Syria are illegal, without UN Security Council mandate or invitation of the Syrian government. We must instead act in strict “compliance with the norms of international law…”

Putin is calling for collaboration on Syria against terrorism, and a meeting of all concerned nations in October. There have been a number of Russian initiatives on this, prior to this week’s UN session. The joint intelligence center in Baghdad (Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria) was launched and will be up and running in October; there is a parallel bilateral channel between Russia and Israel; and finally, Russia, China, and India met awhile ago in Beijing, to set in motion, under the framework of the UN Security Council, comprehensive collaboration on international terrorism.

Amidst these important actions comes a special strategic initiative against the green fascists. Pres. Putin, in his Sept. 28 address to the UN General Assembly, made the offer that Russia would co-sponsor with the United Nations a world conference on the “biosphere and technosphere” to take up new, advanced technologies that can deal with resource depletion and improve the environment of the planet. In addition, Indian Prime Minister Modi has resumed the attack on the developed sector’s schemes, taken up at Copenhagen, warning that India will not accept any so-called climate change agreements that shut developing sector nations out of real scientifically driven economic growth. In a one-on-one meeting with Modi, President Obama reportedly went into a quiet rage over Modi’s resistance and will dispatch U.S. officials to New Delhi to squeeze India prior to the December meeting in Paris.

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