Obama Takes Russian Bait: Tries to Block Anti-ISIS Intervention in Syria

On July 29, former Defense Intelligence Agency Director Gen. Michael Flynn told Al Jazeera that President Obama had willfully ignored DIA warnings, back in 2012, about the danger of Sunni jihadist terrorism in Iraq and Syria, aided by arms flows from Libya, and continued the policy that has led to the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front. Gen. Flynn made clear that this was not just a matter of turning a “blind eye,” but was a conscious Obama White House policy decision. Through the subsequent stationing of Patriot missile batteries along the Turkey-Syria border, for the past several years, the Obama Administration and NATO allies created a de facto “no fly zone” in the north of Syria that has allowed ISIS and Nusra to flourish. Any notion that Obama is leading a coalition against ISIS is a total fraud. Obama’s shameless coddling of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman last Friday, one week to the day before the 14th anniversary of the Saudi-backed 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, was just further proof of Obama’s willful backing of the Salafist terror legions.

Now, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called President Obama’s bluff and is sending Russian equipment and military forces into Syria to wage a genuine military campaign against the Saudi- and Obama-backed jihadists. As Lyndon LaRouche first declared last week, the mere initiative of such a genuine military operation, in support of the Assad government in Damascus, will drive President Obama up the wall—even before the first Russian bombs hit ISIS targets. Since concluding last week, without explanation, that the Russian intervention is “bad,” President Obama has been squeezing NATO allies, including Bulgaria and Greece, to refuse overflight rights to Russian planes carrying aid to Syria.

While the efforts to stymie the Russian actions have already failed (US officials have confirmed the arrival of large cargo planes and ships, carrying Russian advanced equipment, along with 1,000 units of modular housing for a presumed new air base near Latakia), they have further exposed Obama’s true colors as a stooge of the very British-Saudi circles that carried out the original 9/11 attacks and the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American officials were killed by Al Qaeda.

If Obama continues his attempts to obstruct Russia’s serious plans to destroy the Islamic State and other jihadist brigades, he will be further publicly exposed. If he attempts to go ahead with his ongoing plans to provoke war against Russia, in spite of Putin’s flanking actions in Syria, he will run up against mounting opposition to his madness. It takes only a few sane individuals within the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Obama from office, the moment he moves to provoke a general war.

The danger of such a general war is being widely exposed on both sides of the Atlantic. This week, the European Leadership Network re-issued an August 2015 report warning of the dangers of an outbreak of war on the European continent, and demanding the reconstituting of the NATO-Russia Council to push back against the war provocations. The newly released document contained the signatures of 75 additional European and Russian leaders, including former ministers of defense, retired flag officers, and former top NATO officials.

This Saturday, Sept. 12, just three days before the opening of the United Nations General Assembly session, a major conference will take place in Manhattan, sponsored by the Schiller Institute, bringing together leading voices who oppose the Obama madness.

It is time for Obama’s constitutionally-mandated removal from office. It is the true test of leadership in a world facing thermonuclear extinction, so long as he remains in office. Putin’s actions in Syria have exposed Obama’s filthy hands behind the jihadist scourge.

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