Office Depot says chopping up human babies is not hateful, but printing a flyer that opposes such actions is hate speech

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‘Public servants refusing to marry same-sex couples are one thing, but suing a business because the owners won’t sell their services to you is another thing altogether.

If you’re gay or lesbian – or transgender, or multiple gender, or non-gender, or whatever – you can always find a friendly federal judge who agrees that your “rights” were violated when said business owner made what used to be a First Amendment “freedom of association” choice and just said “no” when it came to doing business with you.

What if you’re a conservative Christian who is attempting to stand up for the unborn using that same First Amendment right to speak out freely and loudly for the most vulnerable among us who don’t have presidents or attorneys general or high-profile business leaders and politicians speaking for them? Can a business refuse to do sell those Americans goods and services based solely on the beliefs and opinions of said Americans?’

Read more: Office Depot says chopping up human babies is not hateful, but printing a flyer that opposes such actions is hate speech

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