‘Putin Has Just Demonstrated the Principle of the Flank’

We can no longer stand the state of the world.Vladimir Putin at the United Nations

Inside, outside, and at great distance from the United Nations on Manhattan’s East Side today, it was obvious that Russian President Vladimir Putin is changing the strategic shape of world events, and has substantial support among Americans as well for a real international coalition to defeat terrorism.

Putin’s UN speech defending the Franklin Roosevelt-originated Charter of that organization, was blunt and effective. He said that rapidly spreading terrorism, impoverishment, and loss of respect for life has been generated across the Mideast, North Africa and South Asia by regime change wars, or “wars for democracy,” which are in violation of that UN Charter and of international law, and that this devastation would spread until it were stopped. “We can no longer stand the state of the world.”

A “phenomenally successful” all-day rally outside the UN by 40 LaRouchePAC activists found extraordinary receptivity to its banner message: “Obama: Help World Peace. Resign.” The completely phony war Obama’s “60-nation coalition” is supposedly fighting against the ISIS terrorists has descended to a couple of airstrikes a day while captured U.S. weapons and U.S. “allies'” support for ISIS/al-Qaeda has swelled the terrorists’ fighting ranks to well over 30,000 in Syria and Iraq alone.

As if “out of nowhere,” however, a new coalition, actually to fight the terrorists, is rapidly emerging around Putin’s Russian initiative, backed by China, into Syria. Change is sweeping across Europe, as well as the Middle East, in regard to the acceptance of this initiative.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche was asked by media to comment on Putin’s 2-hour CBS interview. In discussion with the LaRouchePAC National Policy Committee Monday, LaRouche said that a fundamental change in policy is occurring, which is revolutionary. Wall Street is also collapsing. The world will soon represent something different for mankind, he said. And this, in a period when there is no longer a belief in the discovery of fundamentally new principles — physical, economic, or political!

Putin, he said, has just demonstrated the principle of the flank — against a crucial point of complete failure of Obama’s policies, and has thrown the Obama White House into confusion and anger.

China’s President Xi, meanwhile, announced still another $100 billion commitment, through the UN, to international infrastructure development. The “win-win,” or Confucian economic development policy of China is integral to the global shift in policy underway.

Obama’s most effective contribution to it? Resign.

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