Putin Turns the Flank

The reality is that Russia is moving into position to close out Obama’s ISIS option.  This is a real mobilization by Russia in defense of Syria; the denials are lies.  Putin has to make an intervention.  An air operation would be most effective; a surgical military operation.  He has to crush ISIS.

Putin is poised to do this, and that issue is there.

Don’t allow yourself to become confused.  Obama is outflanked, and his buddies in ISIS will be hunted down and chased out; nothing he can do about it.  Let’s not have any second-guessing.

Now the Turkish government is also in trouble.  The whole Saudi-Turkish axis is in trouble.  The Russians have told the Turks that Erdogan’s years-long effort (with Obama) to overthrow Assad, was a direct strategic provocation against Russia.  Forces in Turkey will now have to move against Erdogan.

Putin knows perfectly well what’s being prepared in Ukraine. He knows all about Obama’s drive for confrontation with Russia; he’s taken all this into account.  You can’t judge by deductions. Right now, Putin has moved in a direction that has to be carried out.  It’s being carried out; how and when is not clear; it could be immediate.

It’s a flanking action of decisive defense of the legitimate Syrian government and the integrity of the Syrian state.

And at the same time, the Beijing celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of the World War II victory yesterday, featuring a military display as impressive as any ever seen, made it clear that China is aware of Obama’s plans for war against them, and that they stand firmly with Putin.

In close relation to these considerations, the ongoing so-called refugee crisis should be posed differently, as Lyndon LaRouche did last Saturday in Manhattan: as a general mass murder.  It’s ongoing, it’s willful, and it’s increasing.  The people who are allowing it to happen, are those who won’t take on Obama’s killing of Qaddafi, and then his cover-up of his murder of the US Ambassador to Libya and three other American officials. That’s the issue.

Lyndon LaRouche said at the time, that Obama’s October, 2011 murder of Muammar Qaddafi was a marker of the British Empire’s intention for moving to general war.  Now that’s undeniable.

The current mass murder is going on in various areas. Directly across the Mediterranean; sidewise from Turkey into Greece; it’s in Europe; it’s in Africa.  And Obama is the chief sponsor of this,— that’s the point.

The intention of mass murder is implicit throughout Obama’s action.  Where somebody is doing something like he’s doing, there obviously is an intention involved there.  And he sticks to his intention.  He’s an evil bastard beyond belief.

Obama’s actions have the effect of mass murder.  It’s Obama’s pattern; it’s not just the effect.  Obama did what he did.  He was guilty of a crime in Northern Africa, and that criminality is still loose.  It’s happened and it’s continuing. This is coming to the surface now.  His lies, and his crimes in murdering officials of our government.  He’s a murderer of American officials.  That’s what Hillary’s got wrapped around her neck.

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