Putin’s Flank Against Obama’s War Plans Will Not Deter Obama from Trying

When Putin arrives in New York City this coming weekend, prepared to make his formal offer for a truly “international coalition” to defeat the barbaric ISIS through military cooperation with the Assad government, Iran, Egypt, and others, Obama will be trapped, exposed for his actual support for the various British/Saudi- spawned terrorist organizations across Southwest Asia, through his mad drone killings and perpetual war policies against secular governments in the region.

Lyndon LaRouche warned yesterday against any misguided expectation that Obama will admit defeat and strike a deal with Putin. Obama’s character is clear, derived from his murderous father-in-law and displayed openly since his first weeks in office — he will do everything in his power to start a war. He will react violently, adamant that his imperial, narcissistic self-conception can not be refuted. Only removing Obama from his position as Commander-in-Chief can assure that the war can be avoided, and that the new paradigm posed by Putin, Xi Jinping, and the BRICS nations for the end of geopolitics and a program for global development can be achieved.

Remember Obama’s first term. Not only did he launch the criminal war on Libya, turning the nation over to conflicting terrorist organizations on the Wahhabi payroll, and arming the terrorist cells in Syria, but he proudly prepared a “kill list” every week as his murder victims, to be hit by drones anywhere in the world, without a criminal charge, without due process, including women and children — simply on the grounds that he likes to kill. Each drone attack recruited yet more terrorists to barbarism. This is not a person who will strike a deal for defeating terror, or for establishing peace.

EIR today held a press conference in New York City to release the new EIR Special Report, “‘Global Warming’ Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science.” Copies will be made available to national representatives being drawn to the UN Sustainable Development Summit from Sept. 25-27, where the green genocidalists hope to force nations to sign agreements to sacrifice growth and development — and accept population reduction — under the lying pretense that carbon has something to do with climate change. In addition to presentations by EIR representatives, former NASA scientist Tom Wysmuller, part of the TheRightClimateStuff.org network, presented the case against the carbon hoax.

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