QE4 and Dow 25,000?

GUALFIN, Argentina – The Great Zombie War is proceeding as expected…

Cannons to the left. Cannons to the right. And a fool on every corner.

It will become more and more dangerous, we predict. Then in a fiery ball of hyperinflation and bombastic imbecility, it will all be over…

If we’re lucky.

Then we will return to sanity – older, wiser… and much poorer.

Nuts to Lend at Zero

We felt like adding an exclamation point. But with a headline this loony, none was necessary.

And yet… the headline is probably prophecy as well as lunacy.

The zombies, cronies, and feds will stop at nothing to hold on to power and money. They stole it fair and square, they say. And they ain’t giving it up…

Meanwhile, these same forces of darkness and destruction opened fire on another front last week.

They took the “barbarous relic” – gold – out of the money system in 1971, leaving us at the mercy of their paper money.

Now, they’re aiming to cut us off from paper money too – leaving us at the mercy of bank credit, which they control 100%.

That’s right, governments around the world are plotting to do away with cash all together…

Yes, it’s crazy. But it’s coming. You won’t even be able to buy a pack of cigarettes without the feds’ approval.

Strategically, this is a shrewd move. It would leave us encircled, unable to get supplies and cut off from our lines of retreat.

Like Generalfeldmarschall von Paulus at Stalingrad, we would be vulnerable to complete annihilation.

Reprinted with permission from Bonner & Partners.

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