Retrospective: Hunter S. Thompson’s Iconic Post-911 Interview


‘Just like Presidents Day, Flag Day and the Pro Bowl, it seems to have passed without too many people noticing this time, for not a lot more can be said about it that hasn’t already been raked, and re-raked over the proverbial coals.

Still, too many key questions remain unanswered. Hoping to achieve a little perspective on where 9/11 sits in the wider frame of American history, I found myself looking back in time to see what was said during the immediate aftermath of the attacks. What I discovered back then was unexpected – and a real testament as to how time can crystallize some real fighting words and preserve a few fearless ideas. Like any decent bottle of wine, quality in film and literature never turns – it always resonates and its unmistakable character continues to improve with age. The same can be said for timely interviews with seminal personalities.’

Read more: Retrospective: Hunter S. Thompson’s Iconic Post-911 Interview

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