Rochester General Hospital in New York tells parents that kidnapping is part of its policy to enforce ‘mandatory’ medical treatments

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‘Be careful where you give birth. The hospital you choose could try to kidnap your child if you fail to abide by its rules for “mandatory” medical treatment. Rochester General Hospital (RGH) in New York appears to be one such hospital. If you refuse to inject your baby with a vitamin K vaccine or give him the antibiotic erythromycin, hospital workers could hold him there indefinitely against your will.

An audio recording of a voicemail left by a hospital worker for a patient reveals that RGH’s policy is to basically assume “medical custody” in cases where parents refuse to allow administration of these two particular drugs to their newborns. An unnamed RGH employee, who opted to remain anonymous for privacy and protection purposes, stated the following in a voicemail response to a patient’s inquiry about the hospital’s newborn release policy.’

Read more: Rochester General Hospital in New York tells parents that kidnapping is part of its policy to enforce ‘mandatory’ medical treatments

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