Ron Paul’s Swords into Plowshares playlist

One of my favorite parts of Swords into Plowshares is the quote from an anti-war song the leads off each chapter.

Campaign for Liberty Director of Legislation Tim Shoemaker has put together a Swords into Plowshares  playlist, which we will share with you over the next few weeks. The songs will be presented in the order in which they appear in the book.

You can  purchase a copy of  Dr. Paul’s Swords into Plowshares here.

Chapter One: Growing up with war

Song: Elvis Presley If I Can Dream:

Dr. Paul kicks off his book with a quote from the King of Rock and Roll.  If I Can Dream, was written for Elvis’s 1968 “comeback” TV special. Songwriter Walter Edward Brown wrote the song after a conversation with Elvis about the assassination of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.

Listen to If I Can Dream here.

Chapter Two: Our Peaceful Nature

Song: The Farm All Together Now

I had not heard of this song, or The Farm, until Swords Into Plowshares, even though I am a fan of this type of “new wave” 80s/90s British pop. So thank you Dr. Paul for introducing me to this band!

All Together Now is about the famous “Christmas Truce” of 1914 when soldiers from the two sides came together to exchange food,tobacco, alcohol, and even souvenirs. The two sides even played soccer.

Listen to All Together Now here.

Chapter Three: Opposing War in Congress

Don McLean: The Grave

A moving song about the death of one young solider written by the author of the classics “American Pie” and “Starry Starry Night.”

Listen to The Grave here.

Chapter Four. Peace is the Answer

Song: The Byrds Turn, Turn, Turn,

“A time for peace, I swear it’s not late”

One of my favorites and a certified folk rock classic. The lyrics of the song are taking directly from the Bible, specifically the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Listen to Turn,Turn, Turn here.

Chapter Five:  Why do People support the Wars

Song: Bob Dylan: Masters of War

One of  the most blistering attacks on the military-industrial complex ever penned, and a highlight of Bob Dylan’s early sixties “political” phase.

Listen to Masters of War here. 

Chapter Six: Pursing US Empire

Song: Willie Nelson: Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth

An anti-war country song? That makes as much sense as anti-war, anti-Obamacare, pro-Second Amendment Congressman…oh wait.

Country legend Willie Nelson wrote This song following a conversation with his wife about the Iraq war. Listen to Whatever Happened to Peace on Earth here.

Chapter Seven:  The War issue

Song: War–Edwin Star


Well that pretty much sums it up. Listen to War here.

Chapter Eight: Foreign Policy and War

Song: Peter, Paul, and Mary:Where have all the Flowers Gone.

Another classic folk song that again looks at how war affects the average person.

Listen to Where have all the Flowers Gone here.

Chapter Nine: Foreign Policy and Economics

Song: Rolling Stones: Highwire

Taking a break from the folk songs with a little blues-based rock and roll. A rare political song from the legendary band. It seems appropriate that this song introduces the chapter on how our hyper-interventionist policy affects our economic well-being since Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger studied at the London School of Economics.

Listen to Highwire here.

Chapter Ten: Central Banking and War

Suzanne Vega: The Queen and the Solider

The song about a soldier who rebels against killing to enrich the queen is the perfect opening for the chapter on the relationship between the warfare state and central banking.

Listen to the Queen and the Solider here.


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