Russian Military Buildup Continues at Base Near Latakia, Syria; Lavrov Says US Deliberately Blocks Destruction of Known ISIS Concentrations; Europe Finding Strain of Syrian Refugees Intolerable, Wants to End Economic Sanctions, Re-Open Damascus Embassies, End Syrian Civil War; US Neocons and Humanitarian Bombers in Manic Fit over Chance for Peace; US and Syrian Joint Op Ordered by Obama Saved Al-Hasakah from ISIS, Killed 3,000 Terrorists in Late July; #FireAllen4ISIS

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The policy of phony war against ISIS pursued by the United States over the past year under the influence of ISIS Czar John Allen has now turned into a neocon’s nightmare in the form of a growing Russian […]

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