Shock Report: U.S. Military Misplaced Samples of Black Plague and Other Deadly Pathogens


‘What could possibly go wrong when you mix deadly pathogens with inept government bureaucracy?

Well don’t look now, but the DoD is out warning that the army might have also mishandled samples of the black plague which isn’t known to be dangerous unless you count the time it wiped out 60% of Europe’s entire population. Here’s more from CNN:

The U.S. Department of Defense is looking into possible mishandling of bubonic plague and equine encephalitis samples at its laboratories, a Pentagon spokesman said Thursday.

The new inquiry is part of an investigation into the mishandling of anthrax at Department of Defense labs, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said.’

Read more: Shock Report: U.S. Military Misplaced Samples of Black Plague and Other Deadly Pathogens

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