Stomach Upset?
With nicer weather upon us, heading out for a picnic, enjoying a BBQ with family and making the most of long, sunny days are probably on your to-do list. But what if your stomach disrupts your summer plans and instead keeps you cooped up inside?
This will not only ruin your summer but leave you feeling sick and miserable.
Depending on where you live, summer may be short and so taking advantage of every nice day is the plan before it fades away to fall again. But when you’re stricken with gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea you can say buh-bye summer and hello bathroom!
When do you need to see a doctor?
If your stomach problems appear infrequently, then trying these 10 home remedies for an upset stomach will get you back to feeling good and heading out to enjoy the nicer weather. But when should you see a doctor about your stomach problems?
Well, for example, if you notice when you eat certain foods your stomach problems return, a doctor can help determine if you have a food intolerance or allergy. Also, if you can’t keep food down, that is another indication to seek medical advice. If your stomach issues are ongoing and lasting weeks, and you’re not finding relief through natural means, a doctor can run some tests to see what’s going on.
You know your body best, so if your stomach issues continue, become more frequent or simply appear out of the ordinary, get yourself checked out.
Enjoy summer without stomach problems
Summer can fly by, so making the most of it is important. You don’t need to let your stomach determine your life. In fact, by using these home remedies for an upset stomach, you can take back control of your stomach and live the life you want.
Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.
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