Take Care of Your Brain

BRAIN and NERVE function are important. Preserve them and make them better with supplements and lifestyle changes.

Some of the KEYS to long-term health for brain and nerves involves keeping insulin, blood sugar, inflammation, and toxicity at low levels.

HIGH BLOOD SUGAR and high insulin can damage the fine tissues of the brain and nervous system. You do not have to be diabetic to experience this. Eating a low glycemic diet is important. If you want more information, a good book is “The Glycemic Load Diet.”GREEN TEA – is another antioxidant that is helpful for the brain. Also useful is L-theanine, which is an amino acid from green tea that helps the brain be calm and focused.

OMEGA 3 OILS, particularly the DHA ,component help feed the brain.

PHOSPHATIDYL SERINE is important to brain function. It has been shown to slow and even reverse age related memory loss. It helps with mood, memory, concentration and word recall.

PHOSPHATIDYL CHOLINE is another supplement that helps preserve brain and nerve function by supplying necessary nutrients.Some combination of these ingredients will help INCREASE your brain and nerve function. There are great combinations available. Most of the really good products are expensive, so remember that quality and correct doses really count when it comes to these anti-aging supplements.

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