Thai Villagers Accuse US Drilling Firms of Illegal Fracking


‘This is the second complaint after Thailand’s Office of the Ombudsman dismissed a similar motion against US-based Apico and its subsidiary Tatex Thailand, filed by the Commission on behalf of affected villagers in three northeastern provinces of Khon Kaen, Kalasin, and Udon Thani.

Around 200 Thais signed a complaint that American companies used the controversial extraction technology known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The ecologically invasive technology involves pumping water mixed with highly-toxic chemicals underground under high pressure to fracture shale rock and release the gas. The method is known to cause water pollution and localized earth tremors.

Apico denied fracking in the area, although its documents indicate that fracking was attempted in those locations at least once.’

Read more: Thai Villagers Accuse US Drilling Firms of Illegal Fracking

The post Thai Villagers Accuse US Drilling Firms of Illegal Fracking appeared first on David Icke.

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