The criminalization of cash has now begun in America

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‘A 2011 law in Louisiana that flew in well below the radar when it was enacted actually criminalizes the use of cash. This is part of what appears to be a growing trend in America as governments seek to track your personal finances.

As reported by the web site TechDirt in October 2011, an original version of the Louisiana measure did not ban cash transactions for second-hand goods at first. However, a final version of the legislation did institute such a ban.

Mike Masnick, writing for TechDirt, noted that when he read the initial story posted at the KLFY news site, a local TV station, he thought such a notion was “crazy.” He said the original version only required that anyone selling second-hand goods make a detailed recording of any cash transactions. However, it was amended “somewhere along the way” to ban cash transactions of second-hand goods.’

Read more: The criminalization of cash has now begun in America

The post The criminalization of cash has now begun in America appeared first on David Icke.

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