The Cure With a Catch

The Harvard Medical School reports antibiotic side effects last for 42 days after the last dose. [1] You’re probably familiar with many of these side effects: diarrhea, irritable bowels, bloating, and maybe even painful constipation. What you don’t see are aggressive and dangerous bacteria, like Clostridium difficile, E. coli, H. pylori, and a fungus like Candida establishing themselves in your gut. But when you take antibiotics, nasty bugs like these can do just that. The Harvard Medical School reports antibiotic side effects lasts for 42 days after the last dose.

Antibiotics: The Cure with a Catch

When you get a prescription for an antibiotic, you feel good that you’re on the path to recovery. But, there’s a catch, and it has to do with how antibiotics work. About 70% of your immune response takes place in your digestive tract. So when you take an antibiotic, it goes through your system and kills off all the invading bacteria. The thing is, it also kills off your native bacteria, the ones needed to keep digestion smooth, prevent constipation, and protect your body from aggressive and invading bacteria.

As the Harvard Medical School reports, it takes 6 weeks for your body to recover from an antibiotic. During this time, your gut is a vacant neighborhood just waiting for someone to move in. While friendly bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria can replenish the gut during this time, you’re at a much higher risk for more illness and unwanted bacteria colonizing your intestinal tract. I’m certainly not suggesting you avoid antibiotics, but I am suggesting your take steps for preventing disruption of your intestinal flora at all times.

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