The Refugee Crisis

A wave of brutal emotion suddenly submerged the populations of the NATO countries. People suddenly realised the drama of the refugees in the Mediterranean – a tragedy that has been going on for years to their complete indifference.

This change of attitude is due to the publication of a photograph showing a drowned child washed up on a Turkish beach. It doesn’t matter that this photo is staged – the sea washes up bodies parallel to the waves, never perpendicular. It doesn’t matter that in less than two days, it was instantly reproduced on the front pages of almost all the newspapers in the NATO zone You have already been advised that the Western Press is free and pluralist.

Continuing in the same vein, television channels multiplied reports on the exodus of thousands of Syrians who were crossing the Balkans on foot. Particular attention was given to the crossing of Hungary, which first of all built a completely pointless barbed-wire fence, then made a number of contradictory decisions which allowed the filming of crowds walking along the railway lines and mobbing their way onto trains.

Moreover, all these events and manipulations would be without gravity if the member states of the EU would put an end to family reunification. In that case, the only real problem would not be the arrival of the migrants, but the fate of those who die on their journey across the Mediterranean. And that is the single reality that no European leader wants to consider.

What is NATO preparing ?

So far, NATO, or in other words the international armed branch of the United States, has not reacted. But according to its most recent missions, the Atlantic Alliance is reserving for itself the possibility of military intervention if the migrations should become important.

Since we know that only NATO is capable of publishing false information on the front page of all the newspapers of its member states, it is very probable that it has organised the present campaign. Besides which, the fact that all migrants are represented as refugees fleeing the war zones, and the insistance about the supposed Syrian origin of these migrants, allows us to suppose that NATO is preparing a public action linked to the war which it is secretly waging against Syria.


[1] «Allemagne : le patronat veut plus de réfugiés», AFP, 23 décembre 2014.

[2] “The European Union is blind to the military strategy of the United States”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 14 May 2015.

[3] “Insider : Die USA bezahlen die Schlepper nach Europa !”, Info Direkt, 5. August 2015. « Les USA accusés de financer l’envoi de réfugiés en Europe», Réseau Voltaire, 13 août 2015.

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