To Solve Refugee Crisis in Europe, Mediterranean and Middle East, NATO States Must Swear off Military Invasions, Bombing and Color Revolutions, While Agreeing to Work with All Legally Constituted Governments Including Assad of Syria; Repatriate All Illegal Foreign Fighters and Seal the Syrian-Turkish Border; Need Marshall Plan for Region Based on Great Projects of Tri-Continental Infrastructure; Drop All Sanctions and Blockades on Civilian Goods; $10 Trillion in Funding Provided by Federal Reserve and European Central Bank to Finance Projects on 50-50 Basis; These Orders Will Move US and EU Towards Economic Recovery; To Prevent War, #FireAllen4ISIS !

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Greater Middle East and North Africa

The tragic situation of refugees fleeing from the conflict zones of the Middle East and North Africa has been challenging world public opinion for many weeks. The seemingly endless list […]

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