War or Peace Is On the Line In Manhattan Today

Today, Monday, September 28, marks a critical day in history, as Russian President Vladimir Putin comes to Manhattan to present his flanking maneuver against President Obama and his controllers in London and Wall Street. It is a showdown between creativity and insanity, between global development and global disintegration, between peace and war. Putin has already begun deploying extensive military hardware in Syria, at the request of the legitimate Syrian government under President Assad. As he told Charlie Rose in an interview to be broadcast in parts between Sunday night and Tuesday, he is committed to defending that legitimate government, since “any actions to the contrary” would create a disaster “which you can witness now” in Libya. He pointed out that this deployment was entirely according to international law, unlike that of President Obama, whose “provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter.”

There is panic in the White House, as Obama prepares to meet privately with Putin after they both speak at the General Assembly today. To reject Putin’s proposal for an international coalition of nations to protect the sovereign state of Syria, and the world, from the barbarous ISIS, will expose Obama as an overt supporter of precisely those terrorist networks—just as Gen. Michael Flynn, the former head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, accused Obama on July 31 on Al Jazeera of “willfully” backing al-Qaeda to achieve regime change in Libya and Iraq.

Tass reported on Sunday that already Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Russia have established a center in Baghdad for coordinating intelligence and operations against ISIS, to be run by representatives of the General Staffs of those nations. Will Obama oppose this effort?

President Xi Jinping sent further shock waves through the United Nations on Saturday, presenting Chinese plans for yet more great development projects around the world, and severely criticizing the existing policies of giving aid only to those countries which obediently follow the orders of the Western powers. China, he said, will put “justice over interests” in its development projects.

And the third leader of the Russia-China-India triangle, which is leading the BRICS nations in creating a new paradigm of peace through development, blew a hole in the plans of the green fascist agenda for using the Global Warming hoax to shut down development worldwide. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that there was a “trust deficit” with the developed countries who are using the climate issue to keep developing countries from improving the living standards of their people under the pretext of controlling carbon emissions. Alleviating poverty, he said, comes before carbon limits. It was India and China which led the successful rejection of mandatory carbon caps which spoiled the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change conference, and it is likely that the same thing is in store for “COP 21,” the Paris Climate Conference in December.

EIR’s new Special Report, ‘Global Warming’ Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science, needs to be read and distributed to ensure that outcome.

Lyndon LaRouche was asked on Saturday, during a conference in Manhattan, how to approach organizing people in a moment of supreme danger like today. He responded in part:

“Obama was on the verge of launching a thermonuclear war, within the realm of the United States. That was what he was committed to. And Putin blocked it! How did he block it? He moved to a different chain, and changed the subject, and got into a whole area which was not the European area in the ordinary sense. And this whole area, from Germany, and from other parts of Europe, began to respond to what Putin had done!

“And therefore, the point is, on all points, we must always look for the progress of mankind, in the sense of the search for human immortality in those who will replace us when they have to replace us, on the assumption that they will have the ability as a group of people, as a society, to create a faculty of humanity in the future, or in the present into the future.

“And it’s that confidence which gives people the inspiration to devote their lives to what is before them, even when they are coming to face the threat of death. And they are inspired by the fact that they have people, who are contributing to the development of a more advanced degree of development of society than they had ever known before.”

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