What’s CoQ10 For?

COENZYME Q10 provides energy for cell growth and cell maintenance. It is a valuable antioxidant that is normally produced by all cells in the body, but is much more abundant in the heart, liver and immune system.

We PRODUCE LESS Co Q10 as we age. Low levels of Co Q10 have been linked to several chronic diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, congestive heart failure, and cardiovascular disease. Low levels of Co Q10 are also linked to people with severe allergies, auto immune disorders and muscular dystrophy.

prevent and treat wrinkles. Internal Co Q10 helps reduce tendency to sunburn.

For SUPPLEMENTATION, soft gels (as opposed to dry capsule form) are better utilized in the body. The latest trend in Co Q10 is Ubiquinol, which is what the body makes when we take ordinary Co Q10 or ubiquinone. Ubiquinol is more expensive per milligram than the ubiquinone form or Co Q10, but each milligram of ubiquinol is equivalent to 2-10 times the same amount of Co Q10.

Buy the LARGEST MILLIGRAM you can afford. The clinical trials tend to use 100 to 150 milligrams per day, with some of the studies using 200 to 1200 milligrams depending on the condition. Note that CoQ10 is one of the supplements where quality really matters. Cheap CoQ10 tends to be crystallized and not useful to the body. Instead of wasting your money on the cheap stuff, buy quality to get the benefits of this incredible supplement.

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