White House and Kremlin Describe Obama-Putin Summit on Syria as Constructive, While Murdoch Rag Wall Street Journal Raves of “Showdown” And “Clash”; Under Shutdown Threat from GOP Kamikazes, Congress May Pass Stopgap Continuing Resolution to Keep US Open until December 11-but Danger Grows of Grand Bargain of Genocidal Austerity Enabled by Lame Duck Boehner; Obama Eager to Prevent Constant Government Shutdowns by Cutting Social Safety Net at Expense of Poorest

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Tax Wall Street Party participated alongside other groups in the pro-Donetsk, pro-Luhansk and anti-Poroshenko demonstration outside Columbia University, where the fascist Ukrainian President was delivering a speech.

The long-awaited Putin-Obama summit finally took place yesterday […]

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