Yet another Met Office ‘warmer, drier summer’ left us shivering in the rain


‘Yet again, the Met Office told us this year that we could expect a summer “warmer and drier than average”. Yet again, the rain poured down, culminating in those August bank holiday downpours, while our summer ranked as only the 178th warmest since records began in 1659. Almost every year since 2007 it has been the same story. The Met Office predicts a summer “warmer and drier than average”, as in its famous “barbecue summer” of 2009, only for the heavens to open while we shiver for weeks on end.

And the reason is always the same. The climate change-obsessed “experts” at the Met Office, led by its chief scientist, Dame Julia Slingo, whom we pay nearly £250,000 a year, have programmed their £33 million “super-computer” to share their belief that the world is in the grip of runaway global warming.’

Read more: Yet another Met Office ‘warmer, drier summer’ left us shivering in the rain

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