2009 – Can We Finally Tell the Truth About Britain’s Vile ‘Queen Mother’?

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‘It must be exhausting to be a monarchist, forever finding ways to pretend a family of cold, talentless snobs are better than the rest of us. They have to make gold out of mud. The system of monarchy — selecting a head of state solely because of the womb they passed through, and surrounding them with sycophants from the moment they emerge — produces warped and dim people, and demands we scrape before them. What’s a poor monarchist to do? They can only lavish a thick cream of adjectives — ‘dignity,’ ‘charm,’ ‘majesty’ — over the Windsor family in the hope that some of us are fooled.

This process corrupts even the most intelligent monarchists. A strange case study is the new authorized thousand-plus page biography of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon , The Queen Mother, by William Shawcross. He is a smart man: his study of the secret bombing of Cambodia by Henry Kissinger is extraordinary. Yet as a monarchist he has an impossible task. He has to present a cruel, bigoted snob who fleeced millions from the British taxpayer as a heroine fit to rule over us. His mind turns to mush. Before the real Bowes-Lyon is lost in a frenzy of royalist rimming, we should remember who she really was: more Imelda Marcos than the good fairy Glinda.’

Read more: 2009 – Can We Finally Tell the Truth About Britain’s Vile ‘Queen Mother’?

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