A Revolution is Going on in This Country

A revolution is going on in this country. It can be read in the marked changes during the succession of weekly Saturday Manhattan Dialog meetings with Lyndon LaRouche, which are in fact the spearhead for the whole thing, as LaRouche first set this out just one year ago, when he began the Manhattan process. Last Saturday’s (Oct 17) meeting showed an unprecedented level of intellectual aggressivity among virtually all of the Manhattan speakers. Now, the first, initial reports from Wednesday’s Day of Action into Washington, DC, show that constituents and activists from up and down the East Coast, are joining into LaRouchePAC delegations to Congress in greater numbers, and that constituents who stay at home, are putting greater-than-ever pressure by telephone to demand Obama’s removal from office, and to demand that the US Government shut down Wall Street.

Much more important: most of the activists who came to Washington, participated actively in educating their Congressmen,— AND they did it effectively.

A major trigger in pushing this revolution forward, was the fraudulent so-called Democratic “debate” of Oct 13, coupled with LaRouche’s immediate, on-the-spot denunciation of it,— which in fact even preceded the debate itself. As LaRouche noted in a statement of Oct 20, he became an overnight popular hero, as it were, for promptly denouncing this so-called debate as a stinking farce and a fraud. This whole process,— the so-called debate and LaRouche’s immediate and deadly-accurate response,— triggered a sort of self-realization among many Americans, who suddenly grasped that the ever-sinking level of intellect and morality demonstrated by the “practical” man-in-the-street, and his news and entertainment media, lead nowhere but to death. That the completely opposite standard long championed by LaRouche was really their only salvation,— as it is.

Today, during the course of Hillary Clinton’s testimony to the House Benghazi Committee, several of the lines of questioning Clinton, echoed precisely what LaRouche has said. She was exposed as having herself understood and written that the attack on the Benghazi mission was an al-Qaeda terrorist mission, while publicly maintaining the lie that it stemmed from a protest against a video. “I think you knew the truth,” said Rep. Jordan of Ohio.

She was confronted with the fact that a US official met with a local al-Qaeda leader (from Ansar al-Sharia which was supposedly providing security to the US mission) shortly before the attack.

The closest that anyone came to confronting Hillary directly with her going along with Obama’s order to lie, as documented by Ed Klein in Blood Feud and confirmed and amplified by LaRouche, was a Congresswoman who asked Hillary whether she had spoken to Obama on the evening of the attack. Hillary confirmed that she had, but refused to answer the subsequent question, “What did he say to you?”

This confirms what LaRouche has said,— this will further the revolution underway in the US.

Meanwhile, as LaRouche has also said, the actually leading members of Barack Obama’s Administration are working around him, effectively ignoring him in order to prevent the war which Obama has tried to launch. Secretary Kerry is meeting, Friday, on Syria, with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Turkish and Saudi Foreign Ministers. Today, Putin addressed the Valdai Discussion Group in Sochi, Russia, sitting at the podium with former US Ambassador to Moscow Jack Matlock, Speaker of the Iranian Majlis Ali Larijani, and former Czech President Vaclav Klaus. There is reason to link these two developments.

Now Obama can be removed, and he must be removed.

In his Oct 20 statement, LaRouche said, “The simple truth is that an honest appraisal of the disastrous collapse of real productivity in the US economy is that a large and growing majority of our fellow citizens are facing job loss, starvation, collapse of genuine health care services, the destruction of the educational system and an overall disintegration of basic infrastructure.”

Recent statistics reported by the Social Security Administration, show that while the federal poverty level for a family of five is $28,410, yet almost 40% of all American workers do not even bring in $20,000 a year. There are 7.9 million working-age Americans who are “officially unemployed,” and another 94.7 million considered not to be in the labor force, as we have reported—combine the two and you get 102.6 million working-age Americans who have no jobs. “As a nation, we are flat broke, and most of us are living paycheck to paycheck,” wrote a contributor to the Zero Hedge website. It is estimated to cost $50,000 per year to support a middle-class family of four, yet 71% of all workers make less than that, making it impossible for a family to survive with just one breadwinner.

LaRouche called for shutting down Wall Street under Glass-Steagall, and emission of “Federal credit to revive the productive economy, through capital investment in infrastructure and other vital programs.”

At the same time, in his Valdai speech today,— appropriately in the context of the (Obama) war policy which he was denouncing,— Putin referred to the refugee crisis in Europe, saying, “Unfortunately, we hear the words war and conflict ever more frequently when talking about relations between people of different cultures, religions and ethnicity. Today hundreds of thousands of migrants are trying to integrate into a different society without a profession and without any knowledge of the language, traditions and culture of the countries they are moving to.”

The only answer has been given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as in her Sept 22 statement, “Only a Fundamental Reversal of Economic Policy Can Solve the Refugee Crisis.” She opened it with the stirring words, “In these stormy days in world politics there are two fundamentally different types of political and financial policy leaders: those guided by an optimistic image of man, who put forward a clear vision for the future of mankind, and those whose small-mindedness leaves no room for any image of man. Looking backward, they seek only to defend their power and evil deeds of the past—even though they are no longer defensible. In the dramatic changes of the coming weeks, we will only be able to solve the problems confronting us if we succeed in winning the European nations and the United States to the new paradigm represented by the economic policy of the BRICS states and the ‘win-win’ perspective of China’s New Silk Road.”

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