An Ancient Remedy for Health and Good Looks

The lavender plant, which is native to the Old World and is characterized by its beautiful hues and invigorating fragrance, has been used for more than 2,500 years as a cosmetic aid. The ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians, for instance, would use lavender as a natural perfume. The Romans loved to use lavender to scent their baths (in fact, “lavender” is derived from the Latin “lavare,” which means “to wash”), while the people of Medieval and Renaissance Europe used lavender to deodorize the stone floors of their castles.

Despite its significant cosmetic benefits, however, lavender is also a medicine of considerable potency. This is especially true of its oil, which is widely regarded as one of the most versatile essential oils in existence.Since free radicals are major contributors to serious degenerative diseases like arthritis and cancer, it’s possible that lavender oil contains even greater healing properties than we currently appreciate. Unfortunately, research into its disease-fighting properties remains limited.

Improves Blood Circulation

The same properties that make lavender good for healing damaged skin also make it good for boosting blood circulation. In fact, lavender oil is acknowledged as a “warming” oil and has, at various points in history, been used to treat both high blood pressure and low blood pressure through topical application. Moreover, regularly boosting our blood circulation with lavender oil could also reduce our risk of heart disease, since this life-threatening illness is often triggered by poor blood flow.

Reprinted from Spiritfoods.

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