Area 51, Diego Garcia, More

Everyone knows about Area 51, supposedly the center of secret American UFO research and the most secret military installation in the world. While in reality the base has been used for the development of superbombers and stealth aircraft, conspiracy lore has it that it has also been used for a variety of more esoteric research and development projects, including reverse-engineering alien technology, time travel, weather control, teleportation, and energy weapons. Although Area 51 is the most notorious military installation beloved by conspiracy theorists, there are other bases and facilities around the world with their own stories and legends as well.

10 Roosevelt Roads Naval Facility

Once the largest naval facility in the Caribbean, the Roosevelt Roads Naval Facility near Ceiba, Puerto Rico, has been linked to the bloodsucking chupacabra. Rumors abound of animals found drained of blood near US military assets in Puerto Rico. Eyewitnesses have claimed that the Forestry Service was colluding with the creature or its handlers to allow it to escape into nearby woods, while agents of the Department of Agriculture actively kept people away. People believed that the chupacabras were fleeing into the Yunque and Toro Negro rain forests to escape deforestation and stage a 9/11-style terrorist attack. He claims that Maldives residents spotted an aircraft with “red and blue stripes with a white background” heading toward Diego Garcia and that he has seen photographs of an empty Boeing fire extinguisher washed up on a beach at nearby Baarah island. He says that Boeing planes have a remote control system, which is vulnerable to attack.

Others have also cited anecdotal evidence for the conspiracy theory. British woman Katherine Tee says that she was aboard a sloop traveling between Cochin, India, and Phuket, Thailand, when she saw “the outline of a plane. It looked longer than planes usually do. There was what appeared to be black smoke streaming from behind it.”

Freelance journalist Jim Stone, meanwhile, claimed that a passenger named Philip Wood sent out an image and a voice-activated text claiming to be held hostage by unknown military personnel, along with GPS coordinates corresponding to a location a few kilometers from Diego Garcia. While it is true that the atoll is cleared as an emergency landing site for commercial aircraft crossing the Indian Ocean, the US military has denied that the plane came anywhere near the base. When possible wreckage from the ill-fated flight washed up on Reunion Island in 2015, interest in the Diego conspiracy theory peaked again.

Author John Chuckman agrees with the theorists:

There would be nothing unprecedented in such an act: on at least three occasions, regrettably, America’s military has shot down civilian airliners. [. . .] I have no idea what event (a rogue pilot, a hijacker?) led to Flight MH370 turning off its communications, changing course, and flying low, but I do know that the event could not have gone unnoticed by America’s military-intelligence eyes and ears.

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